Izgubljen kontakt z mladoletniki na območju Slovenije
Čas in kraj: 28. 9. 2018, okolica vasi Marsiči v bližini mejnega prehod Sočerga.
Vodenje postopkov: PMP Sočerga
Kaj se je zgodilo z osebami: 2 mladoletni osebi iz Alžirije, ni znano.
Kaj se je dogajalo: 28. 9. okoli pol ene ure ponoči sta se javila dva mladoletnika iz Alžirije, ki sta poslala lokacijo iz bližine vasi Maršiči. Eden od njiju je bil bolan in ni mogel več nadaljevati poti. Takoj je bila obveščena PMP Sočerga, prav tako ji je bila poslana kontaktna številka mladoletnikov. Kasneje se mladoletnika nista več javila in ni znano, kaj se je z njima zgodilo.
Time and place: 28 September 2018, surroundings of the village Marsiči, near the border crossing point Sočerga
Reception procedures at: Border police station Sočerga
What happened to people: 2 minors from Algeria, what happened to them is not known
Description of the events: On September 28, at about 1.30 a.m., two minors from Algeria sent their location to the alarmphone. One of them was ill and couldn't continue with the journey. Border police station Sočerga was informed immediately, and they were also forwarded the minors' contact number. The minors haven't contacted the alarmphone after that and it's not know what happened to them.