Nasilni izgon (push-back) Slovenija-Hrvaška-BiH: 3 osebe

Nasilni izgon (push-back) Slovenija-Hrvaška-BiH: 3 osebe


Čas in kraj: 29. 10. 2018, v bližini Staroda (Ilirska Bistrica)

Vodenje postopkov: PP Ilirska Bistrica

Kaj se je zgodilo z osebami: 3 osebe, zavrnjena pravica do azila, vrnitev na Hrvaško in nato v BiH.

Kaj se je dogajalo: 29. 10. okoli pol enajste ure dopoldan so se javile tri osebe iz Iraka in Alžirije z namero zaprositi za azil v Sloveniji. Obveščena sta bila PP Ilirska Bistrica in Varuh človekovih pravic, skupini pa je bilo naročeno, naj policijo počaka ob cesti. Okoli 11.30 dopoldan je skupino našla policija, ki je nato osebam na policijski postaji vzela prstne odtise. Potem so bili kolektivno vrnjeni na Hrvaško, od koder so jih izgnali v BiH. Po pričevanju so bili tekom vrnitve tudi pretepeni.


Push-back Slovenia - Croatia - BiH: 3 people

Time and place: 29 October 2018, near Starod (Ilirska Bistrica)

Reception procedures at: Police station Ilirska Bistrica

What happened to people: 3 people were denied the right to apply for asylum, deported to Croatia and then to BiH

Description of the events: On October 29th, at about 10.30 a.m., three people from Iraq and Algeria contacted the alarmphone and expressed their intention to apply for asylum in Slovenia. Police station Ilirska Bistrica and the Human Rights Ombudsman were informed, while the group was instructed to wait for the police by the road. At around 11.30 a.m., the group was found by the police and taken to the police station, where their fingerprints were taken. Afterwards collective expulsion to Croatia and then to BiH took place. According to the testimony, they've been beaten during deportation.