Nasilni izgon (push-back) Slovenija-Hrvaška-BiH: 5 oseb

Nasilni izgon (push-back) Slovenija-Hrvaška-BiH: 5 oseb


Čas in kraj: 30. 9. 2018, med Vinico in Dalnjimi Njivami

Vodenje postopkov: PP Črnomelj

Kaj se je zgodilo z osebami: 5 oseb (1 mladoleten) deportirani na Hrvaško in nato v BiH

Kaj se je dogajalo: Okoli devete ure zjutraj se je skupina petih oseb javila, da se nahajajo na območju Republike Slovenije in želijo zaprositi za azil. Ko so poslali imena in lokacijo, so bili policisti PP Črnomelj obveščeni o njihovi nameri za zaprositev za azil in lokaciji. Elektronska pošta je bila poslana tudi Varuhu človekovih pravic in Amnesty International. V skupini je bila tudi ena mladoletna oseba. Dne 2. 10. se je klicatelj javil iz BiH in pojasnil, da jih je slovenska policija predala hrvaški, ti so jih nato pretepli in okradli ter izgnali v BiH.

Pričevanje osebe v skupini o dogajanju na PP (Intervju posnet 5.10.2018): Skupino petih oseb, med katerimi je bil eden mladoleten, so prijeli slovenski policaji. Kot nam je opisal eden iz skupine v pogovoru, je ob prijetju s strani slovenske policije intervjuvanec izjavil, da hoče azil v Sloveniji, vendar so njegovo zahtevo ignorirali. »Rekel sem mu, hočem azil v Sloveniji, rekel mi je ne« (»I tell him I want asylum in Slovenia, he tell me no«), je pogovor s slovenskimi policaji opisal intervjuvanec. Isto se je zgodilo tudi z mladoletnikom (17-letnik). Po tem, ko so jih prijeli, so jih odvedli na policijsko postajo, kjer so jih fotografirali ter jim vzeli prstne odtise. Po približno šestih urah čakanja je slovenska policija intervjuvanca z avtom odpeljala k hrvaški policiji, ki ga je nato takoj odpeljala v BiH. »Vzeli [so] 150€ in telefon […] Ja, vsem. Poglej, meni [je vzela] le denar, vendar mojim prijateljem telefone« (»Yes yes, [they] take me 150 euro. And my phone […] Yes everybody. Look, me just money but my friend all the telephone.«) je odvrnil intervjuvanec na vprašanje, ali jim je hrvaška policija vzela denar. Potem jih je hrvaška policija na zeleni meji nekaj ducat kilometrov pred Bosno nagnala iz vozil in jim rekla, naj gredo proti Bosni.


Push-back Slovenia - Croatia - BiH : 5 people

Time and place: 30 September 2018, between Vinica and Dalnje Njive

Reception procedures at: Police station Črnomelj

What happened to people: 5 people (1 minor) were deported to Croatia and then to BiH

Description of the events: At around 9 a.m. a group of five contacted the alarmphone and reported that they are currently in the territory of Slovenia and wish to apply for asylum. After they sent their names and location, the Police station Črnomelj was informed about the location and their intention to seek asylum; the e-mail was also sent to the Ombudsman and Amnesty International. There was also a minor in the group. On 2nd October, the caller contacted the alarmphone again - from Bosnia and Herzegovina, explaining that the Slovenian police had handed them over to the Croatian police; they were then beaten, their personal possessions were taken and they were expelled to BiH.


Testimony of a person from the group about the events that have taken place at the Police station (interview recorded on October 5, 2018)

A group of five people, one of whom was a minor, was detained by the Slovenian police. One of them told us that after being arrested by the police, he has stated he wants asylum in Slovenia, but his request was ignored.  "I tell him I want asylum in Slovenia, he tell me no", the interviewee describes his conversation with the Slovenian policemen. The same happened to a minor in the group (17-year-old).

After being arrested, they were taken to the police station where they were photographed and their fingerprints were taken. After waiting for about six hours, the interviewee was taken by car and handed over to the Croatian police, who immediately drove him to BiH. " Yes yes, [they] take me 150 euro. And my phone […] Yes everybody. Look, me just money but my friend all the telephone", the interviewee answered when asked, whether the Croatian police has taken their money. On the green border a few dozen kilometers away from Bosnia, they were driven out of the vehicles and told to go towards Bosnia.