Nasilni izgon (push-back) Slovenija-Hrvaška-BiH: 8 oseb. Eni omogočen azil.

Nasilni izgon (push-back) Slovenija-Hrvaška-BiH: 8 oseb. Eni omogočen azil.


Čas in kraj: 4. 10. 2018, okolica Preloke v bližini Vinice

Vodenje postopkov: PP Črnomelj

Kaj se je zgodilo z osebami: 9 oseb iz Alžirije, Maroka, Zahodne Sahare in Sirije. 8 ljudi je bilo verižno vrnjenih v BiH, 1 mladoletni osebi so slovenski policisti omogočili zaprositi za azil.

Kaj se je dogajalo: Okoli 7.00 zjutraj na 4.10.2018 se je javila skupina 9 oseb. Poslali so imena, rojstne datume in države ter lokacijo. Prav tako so sporočili, da ima mladoletnik v skupini ranjeno nogo. Nekaj čez 10.00 dopoldan je bila na njihovo željo obveščena policija o njihovi lokaciji in nameri za zaprositev za azil. Obveščene so bile PP Črnomelj, PP Kočevje, Generalna policijska postaja, pisarna Varuha človekovih pravic in pisarna Amnesty International v Sloveniji.

Pričevanje osebe iz skupine o dogajanju na PP Črnomelj (intervju posnet 27.10.2018): Intervjuvanec je povedal, kako ga je skupaj s skupino osmih oseb slovenska policija ujela v gozdu na lokaciji, ki so jo poslali na telefon Info Kolpa. Ko so jih ujeli, so dejali, da hočejo azil, vendar mu je »policija rekla, 'nimamo azila za vas'« (»The police tell me, we don’t have asylum for us«). Nato so jih odpeljali na policijsko postajo. Tam so prenočili dva dni v priporu. Po besedah intervjuvanca, je nekaj oseb nosilo tudi vojaške uniforme. Prevajalec na PP je opravil intervju, v katerem je dejal, da v Sloveniji ne dajejo azila. Na njegov odgovor, da hoče v Slovenijo, mu je prevajalec odvrnil »ne poznaš Slovenije« (»He tell me you don’t know Slovenia«). Potem je morali podpisati dokumentacijo v slovenščini brez prevodov, prav tako prevajalec ni želel prevesti dokumentov. Skupini so odvzeli prstne odtise in jih fotografirali, nakar so jih z avtom odpeljali na hrvaško mejo in jih predali hrvaški policiji. Takole je opisal dogodke na slovensko-hrvaški meji: »Ja na meji, smo dali denar. In denar mojega prijatelja, dal [je] 100€ in drug prijatelj 5€, in telefon, samo en telefon.« (»Yes in border, we give money. And phone. And the money of my friend, give 100 and the other friend 5 euro and phone, just one phone.«). Ti so jih potem odpeljali na policijsko postajo nekje na Hrvaškem potem pa s kombijem na zeleno mejo z Bosno, kjer so jih pregnali na drugo stran meje. Intervjuvanec je poskušal prečkati mejo sedemkrat, dvakrat ga je slovenska policija prisilno izgnala in ga predala hrvaški policiji.

Push-back Slovenia - Croatia - BiH: 8 people. Asylum procedure for one person

Time and place: 4 October 2018, surroundings of Preloka near Vinica

Reception procedures at: Police station Črnomelj

What happened to people: 9 people from Algeria, Morocco, Western Sahara and Syria. 8 people were sent back to BiH, 1 minor was allowed by Slovenian police to apply for asylum

Description of the events: Around 7 a.m. on the 4th of October 2018, a group of 9 people contacted the alarmphone with their personal information (names, birth dates, homelands) and their exact location. They also reported that the minor in the group has a wounded leg. A little after 10 a.m., at their request the police was informed of their location and the intention to apply for asylum. Police station Črnomelj, Police station Kočevje, General Police Directorate, Ombudsman's office and Amnesty International office in Slovenia were informed.


Testimony of a person from the group about the events that have taken place at Police station Črnomelj (interview recorded on October 27, 2018):

The interviewee said that, together with eight other people, the Slovenian police captured him in the forest at the location they've sent to Info Kolpa. After being caught, they said they want asylum, but "the police replied 'we don't have asylum for you'" (»The police tell me, we don’t have asylum for us«). Afterwards they were taken to the police station, where they spent two nights in detention. According to the interviewee, a few people at the station also wore military uniforms. The translator at the police station conducted an interview, during which he stated that they do not grant asylum in Slovenia. To the interviewee's claim that he wants to come to Slovenia the translator replied "you don't know Slovenia" (»He tell me you don’t know Slovenia«).  What followed was signing of documentation in Slovenian language without translations, translator also refused to translate the documents. The group had been photographed and had their fingerprints taken, after which they've been driven to the Croatian border and handed over to the Croatian police. The interviewee described the events on the Slovene-Croatian border: "Yes on the border we gave money. And the money of my friend, he gave 100 € and another friend 5 € and the phone, just one phone." ("Yes in the border, we give money. And the phone. friend 5 euro and phone, just one phone.") Afterwards they were taken to a police station somewhere in Croatia, then with a van to the green border with Bosnia, where they were driven across the border to the Bosnian side. The interviewee tried to cross the border seven times, twice the Slovenian police forcibly deported him and handed him over to the Croatian police.