Tri mladoletne osebe sprejete v azilni postopek

Tri mladoletne osebe sprejete v azilni postopek


Čas in kraj: 24. 10. 2018, okolica Krškega, Ljubljana

Vodenje postopkov: Azilni dom Vič

Kaj se je zgodilo z osebami: 3 osebe (mladoletni), sprejeti v azilni postopek

Kaj se je dogajalo: 24.10. okoli 10.00 dopoldan se je iz okolice Krškega javila skupina treh mladoletnikov. Skupina je izrazila namero za zaprositev za azil in sporočila, da je v okolici Krškega, vendar niso poslali natančne lokacije. Njihova namera za zaprositev za azil je bila javljena na PP Krško. Naslednji dan so sporočili, da so v Ljubljani. Poslan jim je bil naslov Azilnega doma Vič, nato so sporočili, da so na poti tja. Kasneje so se javili iz azilnega kampa v Ljubljani.



Time and place: 24 October 2018, vicinity of Krško, Ljubljana

Reception procedures at: Asylum Home Vič (Ljubljana)

What happened to people: 3 people (minors) have been granted access to an asylum procedure

Description of the events: On 24th of October at around 10 a.m. a group of three minors, located in the surroundings of Krško, contacted the alarmphone. The group expressed its intention to apply for asylum and told us they are currently somewhere in the vicinity of Krško, but did not send their exact location. Police station Krško was informed of their intention to seek asylum. The group contacted the alarmphone again the next day, saying they were in Ljubljana.  The next day they reported that they are in Ljubljana. They were sent the address of the Asylum Home Vič in Ljubljana and they informed us they were on their way, later they reported they were staying in the Asylum Home in Ljubljana.