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Numerous testimonies of refugees and reports done by NGOs and other solidarity initiatives with people travelling along the Balkan Route have shown the existence of illegal and violent chain returns (also known as Pushbacks). According to these testimonies, the Slovenian police systematically and in-mass violates the right to asylum procedures and returns asylum seekers to Croatian police. The latter uses physical violence whilst pushing people to return to Bosnia and Herzegovina. Many examples of brutal beatings and other types of abuse are extensively documented.

Summary: Adequate Housing and Migrants in Slovenia


Summary: Adequate Housing and Migrants in Slovenia

(please find PDF report below)

Adequate housing, defined as secure, affordable, and accessible, is recognised as a fundamental right in numerous international and European legal frameworks. However, national governments, including Slovenia, often fail to adequately implement these principles, particularly in the context of migrant housing.

Projekti: GEtCoheSive

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Opis projekta

Projekt GEtCoheSive se osredotoča na horizontalne izzive, omenjene na programskem področju, zlasti na neenake možnosti – tako med prebivalci različnih regij v srednji Evropi kot med prebivalci znotraj iste regije – za enakovredno sodelovanje v družbi in dostojno kakovost življenja.



“Integration happens in every village, city and region, where migrants live, work, attend school, and are members of clubs and associations. Although the central government often decides integration policies, the local level plays a key role.” Topic 2 of the AMIF call rightly explains what we have already experienced and advocated in previous projects that local integration is key for migrants and communities.

[PDF] Ogledalo: Vratarji Evrope


"In ravno to je izhodišče in želeni cilj pričujočega zbornika – z razumevanjem situacije pognati, potisniti naprej tleče protislovnosti migracijskega režima. Seveda – to moramo napisati – je za resnično spremembo potrebno spremeniti svet, pa vendar šele razumevanje specifičnosti nekaterih izmed poglavitnih problemov migracij in migracijskega režima omogoča dejansko politično intervencijo in delovanje, ki abstraktnost sveta spreminja po najbolj logični poti – poti konkretnosti." Iz uvodnika.

[PDF] Flows of Racism and Exploitation. Transnational Migrants Coordination Journal


600 migrants, including 100 children, are currently missing, swallowed up in the deep waters separating Libya from Greece. The Greek Coast Guard seems to have attempted to bring the vessel into Italian waters, so that it would no longer have to take charge, avoiding intervention when the boat – overloaded with men, women, and children searching for freedom from misery, war, poverty, and violence – capsized. The deaths are many, following those in Cutro, on the Calabrian coast, and those in Maltese waters.