
My Struggles with Learning Slovenian as a Puerto Rican American Immigrant

New York

Moving from New York City to Slovenia was one of the boldest decisions Ive ever made. As a Puerto Rican American, I grew up in a city where diversity was the norm, and switching between English and Spanish was second nature. I never imagined that language would become such a major hurdle in my daily life.

Summary: Adequate Housing and Migrants in Slovenia


Summary: Adequate Housing and Migrants in Slovenia

(please find PDF report below)

Adequate housing, defined as secure, affordable, and accessible, is recognised as a fundamental right in numerous international and European legal frameworks. However, national governments, including Slovenia, often fail to adequately implement these principles, particularly in the context of migrant housing.

Projekti: GEtCoheSive

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Opis projekta

Projekt GEtCoheSive se osredotoča na horizontalne izzive, omenjene na programskem področju, zlasti na neenake možnosti – tako med prebivalci različnih regij v srednji Evropi kot med prebivalci znotraj iste regije – za enakovredno sodelovanje v družbi in dostojno kakovost življenja.